Vamos Actors Berlin – the actors agency.
© Carmen Jasmyn Hoffmann
Timea Csontos and Nicola Demmin-Siegel
Vamos! Actors was set up in March 2009. The founder of the company, Nicola Demmin-
Siegel, is an experienced agent
and casting director and can provide other casting agents, producers and film directors with
the right actor or extra for TV
and film projects. Between 1989 and 2003, the journalist and video producer, with the
help of her 3D team in Berlin,
put together various national and international documentaries and publicity films.
Since 2003, Nicola Demmin-Siegel has been working at her company SMB as a mediator for
successful actors and actresses
for a variety of international publicity projects. Backed by extensive experience and
knowledge Vamos! Actors offers
a wider range of mediation possibilities for professionals and young actors as well as for the
TV and international film sectors.
Booking and Vice President:
Timea Csontos was born in Hungary, is also a journalist and has been part of the team since
the beginning.